Monday 16 January 2012

Working Moms are People too!

Working Moms Unite!  I came across this book, "I was a really GOOD MOM before I had kids - reinventing modern motherhood" and I had to pick it up.  Not only is this book written by two working Moms, but they are from the marketing field (Trisha Ashworth is from the Advertising realm and Amy Nobile is a PR Exec.) so I can relate to them on more than one level.

We all have been there ... super mom, super wife, super career executive ... super tired!  We've all second guessed ourselves 100 times a day and hate to admit, even to our inner most selves that there must be more to life than board meetings, sales meetings, parent/teacher meetings, community meetings and the whole negotiation meeting between toddlers and tired parents!  It is a comforting read for exhausted, over worked moms everywhere ... we are not alone sister!

If you are like me stuck in that sandwich generation, somewhere between June Cleaver, Gloria Steinem and Madonna, this book is for you.  It's nice to know that we are not alone. These ladies have other books too and a blog if you like what they have to say.  Maybe you'll share some of the dirty little secrets posted there too.

Here's the link ...

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